Netsh is an MS-DOS command that enables users to change network settings. For example. users may switch their network device from a dynamic address to a static address or changing the IP address.

In my experience, the best way to get help is from Netsh context help. To run a netsh command, you must start netsh from the Cmd.exe prompt and change to the context that contains the command you want to use. In our case, the context is Interface. G:\>netsh The Netsh commands for DHCP offer a command-line tool that helps with the administration of DHCP servers and provides an equivalent alternative to console-based management. This can be useful in the following situations: DHCP Server Set Bindings failed. Parameter(s) passed are either incomplete or invalid. On Server 2008 R2, the same command runs successfully. I don't think my DHCP Server is setup improperly, because if I go into a cmd prompt, type netsh dhcp server, which puts me in netsh, then type set bindings "ethernet1" enable, it works. Jul 15, 2013 · netsh dhcp server export C:\dhcp thissucks (I was frustrated and used a more colorful word) netsh dhcp server import C:\dhcp; netsh dhcp server import C:\dhcp; netsh dhcp server import C:\dhcp "" I have even tried substituting the IP address for the text name of the scope. No matter which export option I use the entire netsh dhcp server import c:\DHCP\myscopes.txt all NOTE: Importing and Exporting the txt file to a unc path is supported if you want to use a network share to avoid having to copy the file. Now if you open the DHCP mmc on the new server you will see the scopes have been imported. Mar 16, 2009 · By default, Windows Server automatically backs up the DHCP database files and registry configuration every 60 minutes and saves the backed up information in the \System32\DHCP\Backup folder, but you can use Netsh to manually back up the DHCP database at any time as follows: netsh dhcp server backup "C:\DHCPbackups" The above command backups up C:\> netsh dump dhcp > C:\backupDHCPconfig.dat You can use this backup file to recreate the DHCP server with Netsh . Work against a remote machine: C:\> netsh set machine server64 Backup the current network interface configuration to a file: C:\> netsh dump interface > c:\backupInterfaceConfig.dat Restore network interface configuration from a

May 14, 2020 · Note: You can use the netsh interface ipv4 set dnsservers name”YOUR INTERFACE NAME” source=dhcp command if you want the network interface to automatically pick DNS settings from a DHCP server. Continuing with our example, this command would look like this: netsh interface ipv4 set dnsservers name”Wi-Fi” source=dhcp. Conclusion

netsh dhcp server dc1 scope add reservedip 080027C591F9 XVM1.WS2K8.DEV In this example, the DHCP server name and scope are populated, as well as the desired IP address

Jan 18, 2013 · netsh dhcp server import c:\dhcp.txt all. Then press enter. You can change the path and filename to whatever you are using. This HOWTO skips the step of copying the file you exported to the root of C: on the new server.

Jul 15, 2013 · netsh dhcp server export C:\dhcp thissucks (I was frustrated and used a more colorful word) netsh dhcp server import C:\dhcp; netsh dhcp server import C:\dhcp; netsh dhcp server import C:\dhcp "" I have even tried substituting the IP address for the text name of the scope. No matter which export option I use the entire netsh dhcp server import c:\DHCP\myscopes.txt all NOTE: Importing and Exporting the txt file to a unc path is supported if you want to use a network share to avoid having to copy the file. Now if you open the DHCP mmc on the new server you will see the scopes have been imported. Mar 16, 2009 · By default, Windows Server automatically backs up the DHCP database files and registry configuration every 60 minutes and saves the backed up information in the \System32\DHCP\Backup folder, but you can use Netsh to manually back up the DHCP database at any time as follows: netsh dhcp server backup "C:\DHCPbackups" The above command backups up