OpenSSL is a cryptography toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer ( SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security ( TLS v1) network protocols and related cryptography standards required by them. The openssl program is a command line tool for using the various cryptography functions of OpenSSL's crypto library from the shell. It can be used for

A similar question as been asked before: Use cases for CMAC vs. HMAC? To resume it, AES-CMAC is a MAC function.It can be seen as a special case of One-Key CBC MAC1 (OMAC1) which also a MAC function that relies on a block cipher (so AES in the present case). RFC 2104 HMAC February 1997 3.Keys The key for HMAC can be of any length (keys longer than B bytes are first hashed using H). However, less than L bytes is strongly discouraged as it would decrease the security strength of the function. hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac (hash_name, password, salt, iterations, dklen=None) ¶ The function provides PKCS#5 password-based key derivation function 2. It uses HMAC as pseudorandom function. The string hash_name is the desired name of the hash digest algorithm for HMAC, e.g. ‘sha1’ or ‘sha256’. password and salt are interpreted as buffers of Short answer: 32 bytes of full-entropy key is enough. Assuming full-entropy key (that is, each bit of key is chosen independently of the others by an equivalent of fair coin toss), the security of HMAC-SHA-256 against brute force key search is defined by the key size up to 64 bytes (512 bits) of key, then abruptly drops to 32 bytes (256 bits) for larger keys; that's because in the later case Feb 09, 2012 · An alternative to checking a SHA1 hash with shasum is to use openssl. Yes, the same openssl utility used to encrypt files can be used to verify the validity of files. The syntax is quite similar to the shasum command, but you do need to specify ‘sha1’ as the specific algorithm like so:

Short answer: 32 bytes of full-entropy key is enough. Assuming full-entropy key (that is, each bit of key is chosen independently of the others by an equivalent of fair coin toss), the security of HMAC-SHA-256 against brute force key search is defined by the key size up to 64 bytes (512 bits) of key, then abruptly drops to 32 bytes (256 bits) for larger keys; that's because in the later case

PHP OpenSSL functions openssl_encrypt() and openssl_decrypt() seem to use PKCS5/7 style padding for all symmetric ciphers. Upon this, you can't use them to encrypt using null byte padding or to decrypt null byte padded data. A hashed message authentication checksum (HMAC) is typically used to verify that a message has not been changed during transit. Both parties to the message must have a shared secret key. The sender combines the key and the message into a string, creates a digest of the string by using an algorithm such as SHA-1 or MD5, and transmits the message

Dec 02, 2011 · In Ruby, you can use the HMAC method provided with the OpenSSL library: DIGEST ='sha1') Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(DIGEST, "Secret Key", "Message")) There are also libraries like crypto-js that provide HMAC support for JavaScript.

Examples. The following example shows how to sign a file by using the HMACSHA512 object and then how to verify the file.. using namespace System; using namespace System::IO; using namespace System::Security::Cryptography; // Computes a keyed hash for a source file, creates a target file with the keyed hash // prepended to the contents of the source file, then decrypts the file and compares Jan 30, 2009 · OpenSSL command line HMAC. Hi, To generate an HMAC key using SHA-256, I can issue the following command: openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac -binary < message.bin > mac.bin I realised hmac = hash( (key xor opad) + hash((key xor ipad) xor message) ) So it's just some hash functions and xorring values together, nothing else. Block ciphers typically need a fixed-length key, but cryptographic hash functions "[map] data of arbitrary size to a bit string of a fixed size (a hash)". HMAC_CTX h; memcpy(h.key, KeyDataFromSomewhere, sizeof h.key) However, this is risky. It's far too easy to get the HMAC into an inconsistent state and ultimately get wrong results. Instead, when the object is declared as opaque: typedef struct hmac_ctx_st HMAC_CTX; The code above will now fail: % cat a.c #include "openssl/hmac.h" #include openssl dgst -sha256 -mac hmac -macopt hexkey:$(cat mykey.txt) -out hmac.txt /bin/ps Since we're talking about cryptography, which is hard; and OpenSSL, which doesn't always have the most easy-to-use interfaces, I would suggest also verifying everything yourself, at least twice, instead of taking my word for it.